A place of reflection

This blog is a place to report all that has been going on and my hopes for the future. I try not to be a downer most of the time, but as is my life, I have as many downs as ups.
Now everyone can follow along with what is going on in our lives here in the house behind the 'jungle.'

Friday, July 29, 2011

Monday's Appointment

So,  today I realize that it's Friday and I haven't gotten on my computer yet. Shocking! I live on this thing most days. This week has been crazy busy!
At our appointment on Monday we got a chance to talk to the Dr. about everything that had been going on. I asked him the questions I had before he started anything so he didn't have a chance to run away this time. :) Thanks for all the recommendations friends and family! The Dr. told us that we should keep trying Clomid a few more times to get a good sample and that if we were still not having any success that we would look into other things. This would involve sperm counts, x-rays, and many, many more trips to his office. The next step after all of that would be injections. He says... "The injections are pricy. Co-pays for them are usually in the $400-500 range." My jaw dropped! Mark said, "Insurance isn't covering any of this, so..." And Dr. Kopher says, "Then it would be around $2000 a month." A MONTH!?!?! Seriously? That's just the meds. We're not even talking what I'm sure would involve numerous visits and many more expensive tests. All I could think was 'SHIT. I guess that's the end of this journey.'
As I'm fighting the wall of tears behind my eyes, Kopher starts the ultrasound. As soon as the picture pops on the screen I see it. A fricken E-G-G! My first one in my entire life! I was soooooo excited! I almost jumped out of my stirrups. We just had the one, but it was still one. The meds finally worked! My body had given up and decided to cooperate with this adventure. Thank God!
Next he came back with a shot of some med to induce ovulation, and off I headed to work.
The rest of the week has been a big blur. I'm still a little fuzzy with excitement and can only imagine what the future looks like. We should know more soon.
To top it off and finally do something that I've wanted to do for a long time, I joined Weight Watchers. So far, I'm hungry but I feel great. It's only day 1 and I have a long way to go, but I'm determined to stay with it and hope to make Mark join me.

Fingers crossed for the next few weeks!


  1. Cortney
    I had no idea you were trying fertility stuff. If you ever need someone to talk to - I'm here and I've been through it a lot!!! We went through several rounds of Clomid followed by several rounds of injections and IUI before we finally got McKenna. McKenna is now 3 1/2 and we want to give her more siblings....but doing it on our own didn't work again, so we started infertility treatments again in December.

    We started with injections and IUI since that's what worked with McKenna (why waste time with Clomid when it took injections and IUI?) We've run out of IUI options and are moving onto IVF. This scares me cuz not only is it more expensive...but it's A LOT more injections and tests and procedures. We are praying it works because we can't do too many rounds of IVF!
    Like I said - I've been there, so if you need to talk or want to hear a perspective from someone who has been through this a few times - you can always talk to me.
    I will add you to my prayer list and keep my fingers crossed that you have good results SOON!!
    Good luck sweetie!
    Michelle Slough

  2. I am so thrilled to see that you had an egg! That is wonderful news!
    I know the saddness at realizing the amount of money it may take to realize your dream of having a family. Just take things one step at a time and don't lose faith. My thoughts are with you sweetie!
